Update Bank Logo Authorization Letter
This request must be submitted by the bank.
All fields must be completed before submitting request
This letter authorizes Safeguard Business Systems and its preferred vendors to use
your logo on products produced for us and your customers. I understand the update I am
requesting will affect all products currently using this logo.
New Bank Name
The information entered into the Bank Name field is how the name will appear
on the finished product
The logo is assigned a unique ID number. The bank logo cannot be updated without the the
Bank ID number currently assigned to the logo, and the bank name used on the old logo.
The Bank Logo ID Number and old bank name will be supplied to you by your local
Safeguard Distributor.
Old Bank Name
Bank Logo ID Number
Your Name
Your Title
Email Address
Name of your local Safeguard Distributor
Logo Upload
 If logo is uploaded form must be Submitted NOT Faxed.
Signature only if faxed
This form can be submitted by email or fax. Select the appropriate button.
Fax Number: 215-631-7751